I have make a list of my 2010 new year resolutions. You may share with me about yours if you like.. :)
- Quit Bad Habits - I can't think of what bad habit i have right now.. But i will surely quit if i have!
- Get a Better Opportunity - More part time side income.. etc
- Eat Right & Stay Healthy- I've been eating too much junks for the past, skip dinner, lunch etc. Have to eat more healthier and food conscious. Cut down oily and junk foods.. Exercise more and get fit! ;)
- Get Out of Debt- Will try my best to pay off all my debts (mostly credit cards)
- Save Money- Save save save!! Hopefully i have enough saving for buying a house or a new car! :)
- Get a Better Job Performance - Hopefully my boss can see and realize that i am really trying my best! Work smart and not work hard!
- Reduce Stress & Enjoy Life - Learn to take things easy, not going to be over stress myself. I scare i might get a heart attack if i continue to be over stress! :D
- Take a Trip- This year will go for more holidays and trips with family and bf!! Definitely will make it!
- Be More Independent- I realized that i am too dependent. I am too used to relying on my bf for aid or supporting or etc. I must learn to be more independent so that i won't be worried whenever he is not around!
- Learn Something New- Anything! I would like to try and learn anything! As long as there is opportunity given.
- Volunteer to Help Others- I feel that there is so many people needs our help! Today you need my help and who know one day i might need someone's help too!
- Be Less Grumpy, Moody & Hot Temper - I know this is hard for me, but i will try my best to reduce it. I think my bf will be very happy to hear this.. (If i really change la.. Haha). I will try my best!! Control.. Control..
- Read More - Read more and more and more and wider my mind and enhance my knowledge.
- Be Good to Other - I will treat everyone good, no matter how, no matter what. Even though i have very less enemy in life. But i think surely there are people doesn't like me too, but it doesn't matter! I will still treat them good! Hatred to someone is very suffering.. :)
- Showing Love to Someone I Love In My Life - Life is short! I will grab every opportunity to show my love to my family, my bf and good friends! Say i love you to them, send them little gifts whenever i can and make them happy, spend more time or go holiday with my family and dada.. etc.
- Become More Environmentally Responsible - I think we all have the responsible to protect the earth and i will bring my own eco-friendly reusable shopping bag whenever i go grocery shopping to reduce the use of plastic bags.