Friday, June 18, 2010

Happy Father's Day Pa Pa

Just like Mother’s Day is celebrated to honor motherhood, Father’s Day marks fatherhood to honor and commemorate our fathers and forefathers. It is a great time to let our father know we haven’t forgotten him and also show him how much we value and respect him.

On this special day gives us all an opportunity to thank and express gratitude to our fathers for all their support, love, affection and guidance throughout.

Sometimes people can have a bit of a hard time figuring out what it is that dad might like for Father’s Day. As we all know, the best gifts come directly from the heart, so we just sent him a father's Day card. On the card, everyone has put in special notes from our heart, this is included his 1 year old grandson's hand writting (actually my nephew saw a pen on the desk and accidently draw on the card) LOL..

As for us, we are slightly different from other. We are treating everyday is Father's Day. Dad started his career in Singapore since we were very young. He is always a very busy man. Busy with his work for his whole life. :P Even until now.. Never change! This is the reason we find it hard to celebrate Father's Day as he can devote his life to work 24/7. Haha! We celebrate every single day whenever we get the chance to sit down, have a good chat, joking with each other with family. Despite on that, i would like to take this opportunity to wish all the fathers HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!

Especially to my dad, i hope he read my blog. :) HAPPY FATHER'S DAY Pa Pa! We love you deeply and thank you for everything! You are the greatest father in the world!

With all love,

Josephine, Foong, Joanne & Jonathan

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